Meaning of 'kattu'

kattu. [Tel.] v. a. To tie, bind. bandhincu. To wear, as clothes. dharincu. To connect, affix, attach. To store up, to lay by. kudabettu. ka mun kattina karmaphalambulu nettana bhogimpakunda nerturepamanujul. bhara. adi. v. To build, erect, nirmincu. To fascinate, charm, bewitch. To fabricate, compose, or put a story together. kalpincu. kattukatha a mere fiction or fable. To impute a sin or offence. daniki rankukattiri they charged her with adultery. tappukattu to find fault with, to lay blame on neramu mopu. nadumukattu to gird up the loins or be prepared. kanukattuvidya jugglery, legerdemain. totaku nillukattu to water a garden. gayamukattu to dress a wound. bandikattu to get ready a carriage. kattikattu to put on one's sword or arm oneself. rukalukattu to pay money. maggamulaku pannu kattinaru they fixed a tax on looms. niluvakattu to strike a balance. dharakattu to set a price. padyamukattu to compose a verse. odaku capakattu to set sail. vakattu strike dumb by spells, &c. i matanu kattividicinaru they fabricated this story or scandal. dovakattu to stop up the road. dovakatti docinaru they lay in ambuscade and plundered the way farers. kadupukattu to restrain the appetite. kattani (neg. p) Unbuilt or unbound. kattani kallukota a rock fortress not built with hands. kattanigudu (P. i. 545.) a natural nest, not constructed.

Meaning of కట్టు

kaṭṭu. [Tel.] v. a. To tie, bind. బంధించు. To wear, as clothes. ధరించు. To connect, affix, attach. To store up, to lay by. కూడబెట్టు. మున్ కట్టిన కర్మఫలంబులు నెట్టన భోగింపకుండ నేర్తురెపమనుజుల్. భార. అది. v. To build, erect, నిర్మించు. To fascinate, charm, bewitch. To fabricate, compose, or put a story together. కల్పించు. కట్టుకథ a mere fiction or fable. To impute a sin or offence. దానికి రంకుకట్టిరి they charged her with adultery. తప్పుకట్టు to find fault with, to lay blame on నేరము మోపు. నడుముకట్టు to gird up the loins or be prepared. కనుకట్టువిద్య jugglery, legerdemain. తోటకు నీళ్లుకట్టు to water a garden. గాయముకట్టు to dress a wound. బండికట్టు to get ready a carriage. కత్తికట్టు to put on one's sword or arm oneself. రూకలుకట్టు to pay money. మగ్గములకు పన్ను కట్టినారు they fixed a tax on looms. నిలువకట్టు to strike a balance. ధరకట్టు to set a price. పద్యముకట్టు to compose a verse. ఓడకు చాపకట్టు to set sail. వాకట్టు strike dumb by spells, &c. ఈ మాటను కట్టివిడిచినారు they fabricated this story or scandal. దోవకట్టు to stop up the road. దోవకట్టి దోచినారు they lay in ambuscade and plundered the way farers. కడుపుకట్టు to restrain the appetite. కట్టని (neg. p) Unbuilt or unbound. కట్టని కల్లుకోట a rock fortress not built with hands. కట్టనిగూడు (P. i. 545.) a natural nest, not constructed.

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