Meaning of 'kande'

kande. [Tel.] n. A head or ear of millet or maize. jonnakanki. A ball or roll of thread on a straw, which is put into the shuttle nulucuttu. A shoulder whose muscles are stiffened by gymnastics samuce mikkili gattipadina bhujamukhamu (another form in this sense is kandemu.) kandecepa a fish. A. v. 42. kandeboti a Skein of thread.

Meaning of కండె

kaṇḍe. [Tel.] n. A head or ear of millet or maize. జొన్నకంకి. A ball or roll of thread on a straw, which is put into the shuttle నూలుచుట్టు. A shoulder whose muscles are stiffened by gymnastics సాముచే మిక్కిలి గట్టిపడిన భుజముఖము (another form in this sense is కండెము.) కండెచేప a fish. A. v. 42. కండెబోటి a Skein of thread.

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