Meaning of 'yathavidhiga'
yatha-vidhi-ga. adv. According to rule. vidhivattuga, sastraprakaramuga. yathasaktiga yatha-sakti-ga. adv. To the extent of one's capability, as much as possible. cetanaina mattuku. yathasthitiga or yathasthitini yatha-sthiti-ga. adv. As it was before. eppativalene. yathecchamuga yath-echchhamu-ga. adv. At pleasure, as you please, arbitrarily, istamainatlu. yathestamuga yath-eshtamu-ga. adv. According to will or inclination, freely, abundantly. korinattu, korinanta. yathocitamu yath-ochita-mu. adj. Suitable, proper, right. yuktamaina. yathocitamuga yath-ochitamu-ga. adv. As much as may be fit, precisely what is required, neither more nor less. yuktamuga. yathocitamuga matladu to speak to the purpose, or pertinently; to say just what is proper.
Meaning of యథావిధిగా
yathā-vidhi-gā. adv. According to rule. విధివత్తుగా, శాస్త్రప్రకారముగా. యథాశక్తిగా yathā-ṣakti-gā. adv. To the extent of one's capability, as much as possible. చేతనైన మట్టుకు. యథాస్థితిగా or యథాస్థితిని yathā-sthiti-gā. adv. As it was before. ఎప్పటివలెనే. యథేచ్ఛముగా yath-ēchchhamu-gā. adv. At pleasure, as you please, arbitrarily, ఇష్టమైనట్లు. యథేష్టముగా yath-ēshṭamu-gā. adv. According to will or inclination, freely, abundantly. కోరినట్టు, కోరినంత. యథోచితము yath-ōchita-mu. adj. Suitable, proper, right. యుక్తమైన. యథోచితముగా yath-ōchitamu-gā. adv. As much as may be fit, precisely what is required, neither more nor less. యుక్తముగా. యథోచితముగా మాట్లాడు to speak to the purpose, or pertinently; to say just what is proper.
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