Meaning of 'mimaṃsa'
mimamsa. [Skt.] n. A discussion or disputation held to find out the truth regarding anything. pramanairarthavicarana, pramanamulaceta nijamu grahincadamu. Polemical divinity. Theological criticism. The name of one of the six great Indian philosophical systems, purva mimaṃsa is a system of ritualism. uttaramimaṃsa is a system practically the same as the vedantamu, jnanakanda. putrikaranamimaṃsa is a 'treatise' (or essay) on adopting a daughter. mimaṃsaceyu to dispute, argue. mi yiddariki indunu gurinci cala mimaṃsajariginadi we had a great discussion about this matter. mimaṃsakudu mimamsakudu. n. One who knows the Mimansa system of philosophy, mimaṃsa sastramu telisinavadu.
Meaning of మీమాంస
mīmāmsa. [Skt.] n. A discussion or disputation held to find out the truth regarding anything. ప్రమాణైరర్థవిచారణ, ప్రమాణములచేత నిజము గ్రహించడము. Polemical divinity. Theological criticism. The name of one of the six great Indian philosophical systems, పూర్వ మీమాంస is a system of ritualism. ఉత్తరమీమాంస is a system practically the same as the వేదాంతము, జ్ఞానకాండ. పుత్రీకరణమీమాంస is a 'treatise' (or essay) on adopting a daughter. మీమాంసచేయు to dispute, argue. మీ యిద్దరికి ఇందును గురించి చాలా మీమాంసజరిగినది we had a great discussion about this matter. మీమాంసకుడు mīmāmsakuḍu. n. One who knows the Mīmānsa system of philosophy, మీమాంస శాస్త్రము తెలిసినవాడు.
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