Meaning of 'bhasa'

bhasha. [Skt.] n. A language, speech, dialect. A word, phrase, expression. mata. A solemn undertaking, vow, engagement: what one gives his word for, an oath, pratijna, pramanamu. desabhasa the vernacular of a country. bhasanamu bhashanamu. v. n. Speaking, speech. mataduta. bhasantaramu bhash-antaramu. n. Another language: a translation. bhasagranthamu bhasha-granthamu. n. A poem in a modern or vernacular language, not in Sanskrit. bhasamantramu bhashamantramu. n. A spell or charm, written in any vernacular language, not in Sanskrit. bhasincu bhashintsu. v. n. To speak, use language, converse, talk, sutatadu. bhasitamu bhashitamu. n. Speech, language. mata. adj. Spoken, matadina. bhasyamu bhashyamu. n. A commentary, a paraphrase or exposition either of scripture or a work on science, sutravyakhyanagranthamu. bhasyakarulu or bhasyakarlu bhashya-karulu. n. A commentator or expounder of technical texts; commonly applied as an epithet to two authors names patanjali. and emberumanaru. This last is one of the chief legislators of the Vaishnavite Brahmins. His disciples subsequently separated into the two Sects called Tengala and Vedagala. bhasyakarlu is also vulgarly used for basikamulu fillets worn at weddings.

Meaning of భాష

bhāsha. [Skt.] n. A language, speech, dialect. A word, phrase, expression. మాట. A solemn undertaking, vow, engagement: what one gives his word for, an oath, ప్రతిజ్ఞ, ప్రమాణము. దేశభాష the vernacular of a country. భాషణము bhāshanamu. v. n. Speaking, speech. మాటాడుట. భాషాంతరము bhāsh-āntaramu. n. Another language: a translation. భాషాగ్రంథము bhāshā-granthamu. n. A poem in a modern or vernacular language, not in Sanskrit. భాషామంత్రము bhāshāmantramu. n. A spell or charm, written in any vernacular language, not in Sanskrit. భాషించు bhāshinṭsu. v. n. To speak, use language, converse, talk, సూటటాడు. భాషితము bhāshitamu. n. Speech, language. మాట. adj. Spoken, మాటాడిన. భాష్యము bhāshyamu. n. A commentary, a paraphrase or exposition either of scripture or a work on science, సూత్రవ్యాఖ్యానగ్రంథము. భాష్యకారులు or భాష్యకార్లు bhāshya-kārulu. n. A commentator or expounder of technical texts; commonly appliéd as an epithet to two authors names పతంజలి. and ఎంబెరుమానారు. This last is one of the chief legislators of the Vaishnavite Brahmins. His disciples subsequently separated into the two Sects called Tengala and Vedagala. భాష్యకార్లు is also vulgarly used for బాసికములు fillets worn at weddings.

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